Saturday, August 24, 2013

Biking, Picnicking and Painting

It was a perfect day; 81 degrees F with no humidity.  We packed a lunch, went for a long bike ride and picnicked in a flower garden.  There are several flower gardens in Colonial Park and we chose an often forgotten side garden.  And while my better half read (aka napped in the sun), I did two small paintings.  I bought three small travel books a while back, I took one to Colorado but decided to try a new one for today (because nothing is more fun than using new art supplies).

These paintings also mark the beginning of me customizing my half pan set.  I swapped out a little used brown for Payne's Grey.  I have been wanting to incorporate more darks into my travel paintings.

                                      Watercolor and ink on paper 5.5x5.5

                                       Watercolor and ink on paper 5.5x5.5

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